Бургас Общини Страната Свят Бизнес Лайфстайл Спорт Ние, Вие, Те
Добави Информация СТОЯН ЦАНЕВ - художни, виртуална галерия

СТОЯН ЦАНЕВ - художни, виртуална галерия

Stoian Tzanev - born in Burgas, Bulgaria, 1946.

1973 - Graduated from Academy of Art in Warshw, Poland, with a prize of the Polish Minister of Culture.

Since 1973 has taken part in the representative exhibitions of the Union of Bulgarian Artists in the USSR, USA, Canada, Japan, Mexico, France, Germany, Italy, The Scandinavian countries, Greece, Cuba, Malta, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Luxembourg, etc.
Works on graphic, painting and ceramics.



1976 - "Old Plovdiv", Plovdiv, Bulgaria Art Gallery, Gabrovo, Bulgaria
1977 - Art Gallery, Varna, Bulgaria

1978 - Bulgarian Cultural Information Centre, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, Gallery Witgenstein,
Vienna, Austria
1979 - Galerie du Haut-pave, Paris, Franse
1980 - Art Gallery, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
1981 - Samuel Zax Gallery, Toronto, Canada Art Gallery, Silistra,Bulgaria Art Gallery, Sozopol,Bulgaria Lalit Kala Academy Gallery, New Delhi, India
1982 - Galerie Peinture Fraiche, Paris, France Gallery Ebla, Damaskus, Syria
1983 - Au Virage Gallery, Seprais, Switzerland Oslo-Kunstforening, Oslo, Norway
1984 - Gallery 56-58, Dordrecht, Holland Gallery Langegarden, Bergen, Norway
1985 - Au Virage Gallery, Seprais, Switzerland
1986 - Art Gallery, Sozopol,Bulgaria Art Gallery, Jambol,Bulgaria Gallery Vongremissen, Oslo, Norway
1987 - Art Gallery, Dimitrovgrad,Bulgaria Art Gallery, Veliko Turnovo,Bulgaria
Art Gallery, Zheravna,Bulgaria Gallery Pictor, Goeteborg, Sweden
1988 - Gallery Nichido, Tokyo, Japan Gallery Kampen, Oslo
1990 - Gallery Nichido, Tokyo, Japan Gallery 8, Varna, Bulgaria Art Gallery, Melbu, Norway One - man Show, Print Bienalle, Varna, Bulgaria Au Virage Gallery, Seprais, Switzerland Bulgarian Cultural Information Centre, Moscow, USSR
1991 - Art Gallery Sparkasse, Essen, Germany Gallery Nichido, Tokyo, Japan


1978 - Art"78, Washington, USA Print Biennale, Krakow, Poland Intergraphic, Katowice, Poland
1979 - Print Biennale, Heidelberg, Germany Print Biennale, Darmstadt, Germany
1980 - Art 11"80, Basle, Switzerland Intergraphic, Berlin, Germany
Print Biennale, Sao Paulo, Brazil Print Biennale, Fredrikstad, Norway Print Triennale, Frechen, Germany
1981 - Print Biennale, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia Print Biennale, Varna, Bulgaria
Triennale of European Prints, Grado, Italy Biennale of European Graphik Art, Baden-Baden, Germany
1982 - Art 13"82, Basle, Switzerland Print Biennale, Fredrikstad, Norway
1983 - Print Biennale, Varna, Bulgaria Balkan Biennale of Art, Buchares, Romania Print Triennale, Frechen, Germany Premio Internazionale, Biella, Italy Print Biennale, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia
1984 - Art Expo, New York, USA Intergraphic, Berlin, Germany Print Biennale, Fredrikstad, Norway Print Biennale, Sao Paulo, Brazil
1985 - Print Biennale, Listowel, Ireland Print Biennale, Varna, Bulgaria Print Biennale, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia
1986 - Print Biennale, Fredrikstad, Norway III Premio de Grabado " Maximo Ramos", Ferrol, Spain Print Triennale, Frechen, Germany Salon D"Automne, Paris, France Internatinal Independent Exhibition of Print, Kanagawa"86, Japan
1987 - Art"87, Basle, Switzerland Triennale of European Prints, Grado, Italy Premio Internazionale, Biella, Italy The Hanga Annual, Tokyo, Japan Print Biennale, Liege, Belgium Print Biennale, Varna, Bulgaria
1989 - Print Biennale, Grenoble, France Print Biennale, Musee D"Art Moderne, Liege, Belgium
1990- Print Biennale, Fredrikstad, Norway Graphika Creativa Triennale, Alvar Aalto Museum, Finland
1991 - Print Biennale, Varna, Bulgaria Summer exhibition of the Royal Academy, London, England


1975,1981,1985 - Prize of the City of Burgas
1978,1980 - Prize at Friends of the Sea Exhibition, Burgas, Bulgaria
1978,1982 - First Prize at the Nationl Youth Exhibition, Sofia, Bulgaria
1979 - The "Veselin Staikov" National Print Prize, Sofia, Bulgaria Prize at the Biennale of Humour and Satire Arts, Gabrovo, Bulgaria
1980 - Prize at Intergraphic, Berlin, Germany
1981 - Prize at Varna Biennale, Varna, Bulgaria
1983,1985 - First Prize at the Print Biennale, Varna, Bulgaria
1984 - Gold Medal for Prints at Art Expo, New York, USA
1985 - Honourable Mention at Print Biennale, Listowel, Ireland Prize at III Premio de Grabado " Maximo Ramos", Ferrol, Spain
1986 - Prize of the Jury at Norwedian International Print Biennale, Fredrikstad, Norway Gold Medal at the International Triennale, Frechen"86, Germany
1987 - Grand prix for Bulgarian Participants at the 4th Print Biennale, Varna, Bulgaria
Has been awarded many other prizes at National Print and Art Exhibitions.


The National Art Gallery , Sofia, Bulgaria
The Sofia Municipal Art Gallery, Bulgaria
The Print Room, Varna, Bulgaria
Art galleries in Burgas,Varna, Dobritch,Silistra,Sliven, Plovdiv,
Veliko Turnovo, Stara Zagora, Rousse and other Bulgarian towns.
The National Collection of Fine Arts, Paris, France
Biblioteque Nationale de France, Paris
Art Museum, Kuopio, Finland
Modern Art Museum, New Delhi, India
The National Art Gallery, Oslo, Norway
The National Art Gallery, Praha, Czehoslovakia
Modern Art Museum, Fredrikstad, Norway
The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moskow, Russia
The Mint Museum of Art, Charlott, North Carolina, USA
The Congress Library, Washington, USA
Neue Galerie - Sammlung Ludwig, Aachen, Germany
Modern Graphic Art Museum, Cairo, Egipt
Also many private collections in Bulgaria and other countries.


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